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MeGa MoCap V2

Credo Interactive's largest collection of quality motion files ever!

Now available for Poser's Michael and Victoria Millennium Figures!

Built from the ground up to provide clean and consistent motion capture data, MeGa MoCap V2 is the CG professional's dream for productivity enhancement.

Originally created by the world renowned Pepper's Ghost Mocap Studio in the UK, MeGa MoCap has been expanded and enhanced by the Motion Masters at Credo to ensure maximum compatibility with the top 3D applications!


Mega MoCap V2 offers MeGa MoCap's existing mocap library of 500 motions in new formats such as 3D Studio Max, Maya and CharacterStudio - more details below!

MeGa MoCap V2 is now available as a 500+ motion CD or in the following motion-bundles:


Sitting & Talking & Drinking

43 motions for $43. This grouping gives you everything you need to animate characters in sitting postions. Motions include variations on walking in and sitting down, sitting in a chair, standing up and conversing. Get More Info

Walking and Running 1

47 motions for $47. This grouping provides a wide variety of walking and running variations. It's suitable for characters of all ages. Get More Info

Walking with Objects

61 motions for $61. If you can walk with it, it's here. It includes variations on: Walking with a large box, walking with a limp, walking with a cane, walking with a parasol and walking with an umbrella. Get More Info

Walking and Running 2

52 motions for $52. More variations on walking and running. Make your animations move with character! Get More Info

Negotiating Obstacles

26 motions for $26. Walk into a room, and negotiate an obstacle by walking over it, around it, every which way. Get More Info

Carrying the Weight

49 motions for $49. When your models have to carry that weight, here's the place to get the moves. Get More Info

Motion Challenged

43 Motions for $43. If your characters are blind, drunken, or need crutches, these are the moves for you. Get More Info

Perky Posturing

19 motions for $19. Bunny Girl has a bounce in her walk and everything else she does. Capture her charm and poise in this motion bundle. It includes dancing mocap as well. Get More Info

Dirty Work

27 motions for $27. It's a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it. When your model has to crawl around, scrub the floor, or bow and kneel, we've got the motions here. Get More Info

Ambient Moves

35 motions for $35. When your model is just hanging around and getting twitchy, the subtle motions you need are in this bundle. Get More Info

At Home & Office

37 motions for $37. Hanging around the water cooler, opening doors or picking up things. This collection has them all. Get More Info

Hard Movin'

61 motions for $61. If your model's well built and looking for some hard action, this is the grouping for you. Manual labor, working out, sports and more. Get More Info

All 500 Motions

500 motions for $299

All of MeGa MoCap V2 on a CD in Maya, 3D Studio Max, CharacterStudio, LightWave, Poser and Life Forms file formats. It's our best mocap deal ever!

All 500 motions now only $299!

MeGa MoCap V2
Credo Interactive Inc Pepper's Ghost Studios

Check out the MotionViewer! Preview any MeGa MoCap file in 3D

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